1 Cara terhindar dari botfrag

 Pada Kesempatan hari ini saya akan membagikan tips agar tidak botfrag pada saat mabar dengan teman, tentunya kita akan sangat malu jika pada saat mabar dengan teman kia berada pada botfrag atau tempat orang cupu. mari kita langsung kita ke topik utama nya

Pada mulanya kita harus tau apa itu bottom frag atau bot frag:

Bottom Frag: Pemain dengan kill paling sedikit.
Cara pertama 
kita harus memakai agent yang sesuai dengan play style kita saya akan jelaskan bebrapa class agent yang ada di valorant

> Duelist

Duelists are the agents who are best known for their damage. They put the highest number of damage out there to the enemy team.

In the kit of Valorant duelists is usually to get the agent to push and take that first engage with the enemy. If you are somebody who likes to be the frontman, deal a whole load of damage and rack up those kills, then Duelists are for you.

Some strong duelists are:

  • Yoru
  • Raze
  • Neon
  • Phoenix
> Controllers

Controllers are the engagers in the team, offering the allies smoke to engage and disengage. Valorant duelists are usually paired with controllers to hit the sweet spot of offensive and defensive.

Controllers also use stuns, slows, and flashes to evade the enemy. This class is usually played by someone who likes supporting teammates by offering crowd control.

Some strong controllers are:

  • Viper
  • Astra
  • Brimstone
  • Omen


> Initiators 

Initiators are once again a support type of agent that aid the damage dealers in getting their damage out. Providing information to their Valorant team, they are vital in knowing when to push for a spot, take a kill or engage with the enemy. Although they mainly act as a lighthouse for the duelists, some initiators can provide a punch when needed with their damage also being quite high. The issue with initiators is that they are usually left out in casual team comps due to how tricky they are to master.
Some strong initiators are:
  • Sova
  • Skye
  • Kay/O
  • Breach

> Sentinels

Sentinels' key focus is location, location, location! Their key missions are to lock down sites, take map control, provide calls and again provide support to the other players.

People who enjoy the slower pace of life will play this agent well, as they can slow down the pace of things with defensive abilities like using their gadgets.

Some strong sentinels are:

  • Chamber
  • Cypher
  • Killjoy
  • Sage
Setelah anda baca dan anda pahami coba anda sesuaikan dengan play style anda 
